Project Be Spontan
- Project:
- About: Be spontaneous: How to Be Spontaneous
- Description: The most spontaneous society ever! Find people online and meet them offline. Your life can be comforting, but when the barista starts making your drink before you order it, maybe it's time to shake things up. How to get out of your comfort zone and injecting some spontaneity in your life? Your routine can keep things unpredictable and fun in your life. Ways to find a date offline. Best tips for meeting someone offline.
- When: 2015
- Project information: During the implementation activities on project a website was prepared at address Work started in year 2015. It consisted, among others, work on project concerning Be Spontaneous: How To Be Spontaneous available in EN language. The project did not require RESTful API implementation to integrate with other apps. CMS was used to manage the internal data on project. Duties in project include Business model canvas, plan biznesowy, realizacja założeń biznesowych.. Project concerned online and meet them offline. Your life can be comforting, but when the barista starts. Website completed in year 2015 and its realization was recognized as successful by the client management
- Implemented by